A 17-year-old Israeli was detained for performing a Nazi salute at the former Auschwitz camp. He was charged with promoting ...
A 17-year-old Israeli was detained for performing a Nazi salute at the former Auschwitz camp. He was charged with promoting ...
An Israeli high school student was arrested and fined in Poland after allegedly performing a Nazi salute at ...
A 17-year-old Israeli was detained for performing a Nazi salute at the former Auschwitz camp. He was charged with promoting ...
Polish police charged a 17-year-old Israeli citizen with promoting Nazism after he was spotted performing a Nazi salute in ...
An Israeli 12th-grade student was arrested on Sunday for performing a Nazi salute at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration ...
An Israeli high school student was arrested and questioned by police for doing a Nazi salute during a school trip to ...
Ein 17-jähriger Israeli wurde festgenommen, weil er im ehemaligen Konzentrationslager Auschwitz den Hitlergruß gezeigt hatte.