Dark Nuns surpasses 1.43 million admissions, continues global success Dark Nun tops box offices in the Philippines and Indonesia, solidifying its global dominance.
South Korean stocks tumble as DeepSeek shakes semiconductor sector SK Hynix plunges 11% amid DeepSeek disruption fears ...
Rallies erupted across Seoul on the first weekend following President Yoon Suk-yeol’s indictment with detention, with demonstrators either demanding his removal from office or voicing opposition to ...
Fire breaks out on Air Busan Flight; Delayed takeoff may have prevented disaster Fire breaks out minutes after flight delay ...
Holiday boom: 1.34 million Koreans head abroad for Lunar New Year Lunar New Year holiday in Korea has been officially ...
Global haircare brand Wella Professionals has officially withdrawn from the South Korean market. Industry sources on Feb. 2 revealed that Wella’s domestic distributor, Areteon, notified around 2,000 ...
Galaxy S25 Edge ushers in a new thinness era Ultra-slim phone teased as competition with Apples iPhone 17 Air heats up ...
Has the economy peaked South Koreas growth stalls Three straight quarters of near-zero growth: experts warn of stagnation ...
Korean palates are getting spicier. As a nation that routinely enjoys rice mixed with fiery gochujang, kimchi jjigae, and fresh green chilies on the side, Koreans have long embraced spice in their ...
필리핀에 예상 밖 패배를 당했던 한국 대표팀은 이번 완승으로 분위기를 반전시키며 B조 1승 1패로 순위 경쟁을 달리고 있다. 한국은 오는 5일 카자흐스탄과 조별 예선 3차전을 치르고, 6일 중국·키르기스스탄과 승부를 펼친다.
과거 래퍼 TJ로 활동했던 장혁은 TJ 이미지가 깨질 것 같냐는 질문에는 “안 깨질 것 같다. 제가 깰 수 있는 영역은 아니라고 생각한다. 제가 트롯이라는 장르를 처음에 섣불리 시작하지 않았나 하는 생각이 들더라. 연습을 ...
[스포츠조선 조민정 기자] MC로 첫 호흡을 맞춘 장민호와 이찬원이 특별한 케미를 선사했다. 4일 오후 서울 구로구 라마다서울 신도림 호텔에서 진행된 tvN STORY '잘생긴 트롯' 제작발표회에서 장민호와 이찬원은 ...