Elszálló élelmiszerárak, pride, szja-mentesség, adóvisszatérítés, jövő évi költségvetés – ilyen volt a Kormányinfó.
The Hungarian government is clamping down on the country’s annual Budapest Pride parade, which has been running for almost 30 ...
Gulyás Gergely Bódis Krisztina lehetséges fővárosi alapítványi pozíciójáról – amelyről tegnap komoly vita alakult ki a ...
Gergely Gulyás, Head of the Prime Minister’s Office, said remembering the victims of communism is both a task and a duty.
Hungary will amend the constitution soon to emphasise child protection, the government said on Thursday, a move paving the ...
The country does not have to tolerate Pride marching through downtown Budapest,” Orban’s chief of staff, Gergely Gulyas, said ...
Budapest Pride should be held in a "closed venue" this year rather than processing along an avenue in central Budapest as ...
Hungary’s government said Thursday that Budapest Pride, the LGBTQ+ parade, “will not take place in a public form” this year.
Hungary's GDP growth for 2025 is projected to be between 2% and 3%, which is slightly below the official forecast of 3.4%.
Hungary expects the Donald Trump administration will “soon” lift US sanctions imposed against a powerful aide to Hungarian ...
The government measures were presented by Gergely Gulyas, PM Orban's Office Chief, and Government Spokesperson Eszter Vitalyos.