In 2023, smartphones-to-silicon conglomerate Huawei quietly released its flagship Mate 60 Pro handset. The launch, while muted, was worth celebrating in the People’s Republic: the device featured a made-in-China chip that had previously seemed out of reach amid crippling U.
At the Reagan National Defense Forum last month, United States Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo gave seemingly conflicting statements on the purpose of AI regulation, her stance on the U.S ...
The so-called AI diffusion rule from Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security faced swift pushback from industry.
Some industries would not be impacted, because they are not crucial to national security, including supply chain activities and gaming chips.
Though the rules are aimed at China, they could impact some European countries including Portugal and Switzerland. View on euronews
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo testifies during a hearing on Capitol Hill ... The global system is increasingly fractured by wars and trade issues. AI has the power to supercharge U.S. growth by increasing the economy’s productivity, but mishandled ...
Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said the new policy will help build a trusted technology ecosystem around the world.
The United States unveiled new export rules Monday on chips used for artificial intelligence, furthering efforts to make it tough for China and other rivals to access advanced technology in Joe Biden's final days as president.
The U.S. is imposing some of its strongest measures yet to limit Chinese advances in AI, aiming to block backdoors in other countries that Beijing could use to access technology.
The Birmingham Biotechnology Hub will receive funding to use artificial intelligence to shorten drug development to provide affordable drugs, vaccines and diagnostics.
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on a call with reporters previewing the framework that it’s “critical” to preserve America’s leadership in AI and the development of AI-related computer chips. The fast-evolving AI technology enables computers ...
President Donald Trump downplayed the national security risk posed by TikTok in an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, days after offering the social video app a reprieve from legislation that would have forced it to shut down.