In a two-step process, a new catalyst can convert methane into polymers at ordinary temperature and pressure.
High-resolution near-infrared light captured by the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope shows extraordinary new detail ...
There will be a ‘world-scale’ 1.8 million ton per annum methanol plant and more - much more. In an interview with ‘Gulf News’, Al-Kindi talks all things chemical why the Ta’ziz formula ...
Discover how advanced catalysts are revolutionizing petrochemicals by driving sustainable solutions for a greener future.
Studies reveal that the air inside our homes is more polluted than the air outdoors, and a portion of these toxins come from ...
According to the latest information released by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC), over 30 fungicide selective targets have been identified and acknowledged in the field of fungicide ...
NASA’s Webb Telescope captured twin stars forming in Lynds 483, hidden in a dust cloud. The stars are shaping glowing ...
Researchers explored L-arginine-loaded lipid nanoparticles from fenugreek seed oil, finding they enhance drug stability and ...
Dubai: Investments in oil and gas created the UAE’s first - and enduring – industrial base. Now, the UAE – with energy giant ...