The Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone) announced that it had signed two significant deals worth $125 million in investments with Indian company FerroGenesis for Silico Manganese and Turkish textile ...
A Greek tanker disabled by a Houthi attack in August is heading home after a successful tow through the Suez Canal. Delta ...
A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Sunday for the first phase of Chinese company Di Seta's garment accessories and ...
CAIRO, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Egypt's Suez Canal Authority chairman Osama Rabei said on Sunday that 47 ships have been rerouted from Cape of Good Hope to Suez Canal since the start of February.
When Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal Co. in 1956, Britain and France claimed their military response was justified because of the waterway’s strategic importance and the company’s foreign ...
We find in LippincoLfs Magazine, a paper fn)m the pen of Edward B. Grubb, relating “ what he saw of the Suez Canal during a trip from Timsah to Port Said last winter. In this article we find set ...
The idea of a canal in this region has existed since the seventh century BC, but it was not until the late 1890s that it was finally completed - the Suez Canal, meanwhile, was completed in 1869.
Suez Canal Chief Says Red Sea Crisis Did Not Create Sustainable Route to Replace Canal CAIRO (Reuters) -Suez Canal Authority Chairman Osama Rabie said on Wednesday that the Red Sea crisis did not ...
A Greek tanker set ablaze by Yemeni rebels with more than a million barrels of oil aboard has been safely towed through the Suez Canal, the waterway's authority said Monday.
Suez Canal Bank implemented key strategic initiatives to expand its operations, focusing on corporate banking, small and medium-sized enterprises, and retail banking ...
47 Ships Rerouted to Suez Canal This Month, Chairman Says CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's Suez Canal Authority chairman Osama Rabei said on Sunday that 47 ships have been rerouted from Cape of Good Hope ...