Our longtime editor-in-chief offers advice to his successor while discussing the news and education CURE magazine provides ...
When my spouse and I both faced cancer, maintaining a positive attitude, seeking support, listening empathetically and ...
The first patients have been enrolled in the HEROES trial, exploring de-escalation of anti-HER2 therapy in metastatic HER2+ ...
Dr. Kandace P. McGuire discusses how targeted axillary staging differs from traditional methods of staging in patients undergoing breast cancer treatment.
RECKGIST score may predict recurrence in neurofibromatosis type 1 GISTs, potentially guiding treatment decisions, according ...
This month’s Research Spotlight highlights significant advancements in pancreatic cancer research and patient support.
Kelly Grosklags discusses how oncologists can guide patients in shared decision-making while managing expectations following a breast cancer diagnosis.
The first patient has been enrolled in the phase 3 PROSTATE-IQ trial being conducted in men with prostate cancer recurrence ...
Life-threatening lung cancer has taught me many valuable lessons and made my new normal so fulfilling. My life has changed ...
Treatment with pimitespib was associated with stable disease in two-thirds of patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal ...
Dr. Joseph Mikhael discusses early signs, treatments and supportive care for multiple myeloma in an interview with CURE.
As a cancer survivor, I overcame alcohol addiction and urge others to seek support, safe detox and sobriety to improve their ...