On the test case that provoked the courts to decide whether the federal government had jurisdiction to exercise American criminal law over Native peoples on Native lands. by Keith Richotte Jr. Keith ...
An article from the April 1953 issue of Good Housekeeping. [Proquest] Polio, short for poliomyelitis, infects the intestinal tract. It can then travel to the brain stem, where it halts lung function ...
Pedro Loza, now 74, recalls the exact moment he realized he would have to settle in the United States, despite his dream of returning to reside once again in his beloved Mexico. He was working in ...
Mr. Jaschik is one of the three founders of Inside Higher Ed, where this piece first appeared. With Doug Lederman, he leads the editorial operations of Inside Higher Ed, overseeing news content, ...
Following is an interview with journalist Christopher Hitchens. The interview was conducted by historian Jamie Glazov, the managing editor of frontpagemag.com, where the interview was first published.
Mr. Greenberg is the author of Nixon's Shadow: The History of an Image (2003). He teaches history at Rutgers University. This month marks the publication of 1776, David McCullough's rousing, feel-good ...
The beliefs have been shaped by legal code, America's history of imperialism and the prevailing culture, said historian Ellen Wu, the author of "The Color of Success: Asian Americans and the Origins ...
Mr. Khawaja is adjunct professor of philosophy at The College of New Jersey and Montclair State University. As I write, my part of the country is on “Orange Alert,” waiting more or less fatalistically ...
Mr. Foglesong is an Associate Professor of History at Rutgers University and author, most recently, of The American Mission and the "Evil Empire": The Crusade for a "Free Russia" Since 1881 . After ...
Mr. MacLeod is an Associate Professor of History, University of Evansville, Indiana. Several weeks ago I visited with my family the Soldiers' Memorial Museum in the heart of downtown St Louis. It is a ...
Jim Cullen, who teaches at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School in New York, is a book review editor at HNN. His new book, Sensing the Past: Hollywood Stars and Historical Visions, was recently ...
Dr. Sullivan is a professor at the National Defense University and Georgetown University, and is an expert on international energy and security issues, and the economics and politics of North Africa, ...