People think of chameleons as the masters of camouflage, but the coleoids – octopuses, squid and cuttlefish – are far ahead in terms of manipulating their appearance[1]. Because their skin appearance ...
As with so many findings, the so-called 'immortal jellyfish' was discovered by accident. During a visit to my laboratory in the 1980s, a German student, Christian Sommer, and my very first student, ...
Professor Janey Henderson studied at Aberdeen and Manchester Universities before gaining her PhD from Durham University, a CASE award with Rothamsted Experimental Station. Janey completed ...
It is always a pleasure to read about a scientist’s work in a book written for the non-specialist who may be interested in knowing more about a subject for a variety of reasons. It is no mean task to ...
The Science of Walking retraces the history of the growing interest in the physical act of walking - locomotion - in Western societies (particularly France, Germany, and Britain). Through the 19th ...
This is a beautifully produced and informative book on the deep ocean for the novice, written by a highly respected American science communicator. Using text that is easy to read, together with large, ...
basket of figs so she can evade Caesar's humiliating triumph. As with everything about Cleopatra, the moment is also deeply erotic, "a lover's pinch", as two elements conjoin in a moment that combines ...
In our very first episode of the Biosphere Podcast, we dive into the world of animal behaviour and talk to Professor Sir Ian Boyd, RSB's President about his research and his science policy experience ...
Dr Jane Goodall is an English UN Messenger of Peace and ethologist most famous for her 45 year study of chimpanzee social and family interactions in Tanzania and for founding the Jane Goodall ...
Lord Sainsbury of Turville read history and psychology at King's College, Cambridge, and then joined J Sainsbury plc in 1963. He received an MBA from the Columbia Graduate School of Business in New ...
For Biology Week 2017, we invited the public to vote for their favourite UK tree species. We want to highlight the importance of trees in the UK and raise awareness of their conservation needs. Trees ...
Images from the competition were covered in a number of news outlets including Labmate. Ian captured this photo of two male polar bears 'sparring' on the ice on the edge of Hudson Bay, Churchill, ...