While Section 30(1) of Nigeria’s Constitution recognises the death penalty as a form of punishment for heinous crimes, the ...
Legislation recently proposed by freshman U.S. Rep. Rob Bresnahan, R-8, Dallas Twp., seeks to restore a sense of balance by ...
More than half of Canadians still support capital punishment for murder cases—will that ever translate into policy?
In a 2014 book arguing for new constitutional amendments, Stevens highlighted banning the death penalty as an urgently needed constitutional reform. In his 2019 memoir, he stressed the many ...
The case of a victim’s mother and one of the longest-serving death row prisoners shows how capital appeals can seem both ...
Ramos pleaded guilty to killing Sacramento police rookie Tara O’Sullivan, but a prior jury deadlocked on whether he should be put to death.
Sign up for the Slatest to get the most insightful analysis, criticism, and advice out there, delivered to your inbox daily. Louisiana has been an anomaly in America ...
I view the firing squad as a more humane way to carry out executions for those on death row, because it is quick and certain,” said bill sponsor Sen. Doug Ricks, R-Rexburg.
Nine prisoners have walked free after evidence presented by members of a forensics team turned out to be wrong — yet one man ...
A South Carolina inmate is set to die by firing squad Friday, a rare execution method in the United States that experts say more places may turn to.
Discussions about the death penalty across Canada re-emerged in an ... of Canadians on a punishment that has not been in the books since 1976 can fluctuate wildly, depending on the question ...
So, I want the death penalty”. She succinctly captured the ... it is clear that enforcement and extant punishment in our status books have not been able to act as sufficient deterrent.