Substack is on a journey to reinvent the media landscape with cable news' biggest names. So far, it seems to be working.
Having expanded beyond its original focus on email newsletters to podcasts and video, Substack has now reached its latest ...
In Monday’s edition of her Substack newsletter “ Fresh Hell ,” Brown describes the series ― which premiered on Netflix last week ― as “a testament to how far the beleaguered Duchess of Sussex has ...
I'm in a lucky position where I earn enough from my other role to not need to leverage Substack to build an empire. I just ...
Casey Anthony, was acquitted of murder charges in her headline grabbing 2011 trial for the murder of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.
I am a legal advocate, I am a researcher, I’ve been in the legal field since 2011 and in this capacity, I feel that it’s ...
In her first TikTok, Casey urged viewers to subscribe to her Substack, a blogging platform on which creators send out newsletters, where she is writing under the handle @therealcaseyanthony.
Anthony, 38, posted her first TikTok video on March 1, in which she promoted her Substack, an online platform where creators can publish newsletters. She said she intends to reintroduce herself as ...