An Israeli teenager who was seen doing a fascist salute at the former German-Nazi camp of Auschwitz has been has been fined for propagating Nazism, a crime punishable in Poland by up to three years in ...
An Israeli high school student was arrested and questioned by police for doing a Nazi salute during a school trip to ...
An Israeli 12th-grade student was arrested on Sunday for performing a Nazi salute at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration ...
A 17-year-old Israeli was detained for performing a Nazi salute at the former Auschwitz camp. He was charged with promoting ...
A 17-year-old Israeli was detained for performing a Nazi salute at the former Auschwitz camp. He was charged with promoting ...
Ein 17-jähriger Israeli wurde festgenommen, weil er im ehemaligen Konzentrationslager Auschwitz den Hitlergruß gezeigt hatte.
A 17-year-old Israeli was detained for performing a Nazi salute at the former Auschwitz camp. He was charged with promoting ...
Polish police charged a 17-year-old Israeli citizen with promoting Nazism after he was spotted performing a Nazi salute in ...
An Israeli high school student was arrested and fined in Poland after allegedly performing a Nazi salute at ...
Security guards spotted member of group from Kiryat Bialik high school with arm raised; companion asserts he was just waving ...
Der Blick auf den berüchtigten Schriftzug „Arbeit macht frei“ ließ die Schüler innehalten ... den Tätern aus Deutschland zum Opfer. Auschwitz war eines der Lager, in denen die Opfer ...