Famed game director Hideki Kamiya has spoken out about his departure from the imperiled PlatinumGames. In a recent interview, ...
Following his departure from Platinum Games, Hideki Kamiya announced his new studio, ‘Clovers,’ back in December at The Game ...
Kamiya cut his teeth in the games industry at Capcom's Studio 4, where he worked under Resident Evil director Shinji Mikami, ...
Get Ghostwire Tokyo, one of my favorite games ever made, alongside various other JRPGS, for just $7 each in this new ...
Released first on the PlayStation in 1999, Dino Crisis is a horror survival game by director Shinji Mikami of Resident Evil fame. Here's a short rundown of the settings from the store page ...
懺悔のような暴露話や、ゲーム制作の難しさなどを三上真司が語るインタビュー動画第2弾が公開。 『バイオハザード4』で最も大切にしたのは ...