說到布施戎神社(布施えびす神社)的歷史,可追溯至 1300 多年前,據說早在平安時代便已設立,成為這片土地上重要的信仰中心。在歷經了平安時代的興盛、國家神社合併政策以及多次遷移 ...
横滨中华街(よこはまちゅうかがい)坐落在神奈川县横滨市中区的山下町,是日本乃至东亚首屈一指的中华街。它的历史可以追溯到1866年的横滨新田居留地时期,至今已逾150载春秋。在1955年 ...
More than ECG machines, electric rice cookers and the Playstation 4, a majority of Japanese pick instant ramen as the nation's top invention.
Funassyi spends more time playing than cleaning, which is all the better for our amusement anyway. Do you ever get embarrassed in public restrooms? Do you ever find yourself flushing, wasting precious ...
Don't want to see hearts on Twitter? Why not try sushi instead!
Need help holding yourself back from your phone? Japanese high school entrepreneurs have come up with a simple way to free up your time with the Smart Phone Sealing Taro. A Japanese sculptor and model ...
In the anime series, Gundam robots zoom all over the galaxy and above the Earth's sky. But what about the Gundams built in our world? Surely, they can fly... right? Pumpkins, costumes and the usual ...