linux - What does $@ mean in a shell script? - Stack Overflow
Apr 3, 2012 · The shell splits tokens based on the contents of the IFS environment variable. Its default value is \t\n; i.e., whitespace, tab, and newline. Expanding "$@" gives you a pristine …
What is the $? (dollar question mark) variable in shell scripting?
Try the following in the shell: ls somefile echo $? If somefile exists (regardless whether it is a file or directory), you will get the return value thrown by the ls command, which should be 0 …
Difference between $ {} and $ () in a shell script - Super User
The above (along with many more forms of ${parameter…something_else} constructs) are discussed at greater length in the shell’s man page, bash(1). A Note on Quotes. Note that you …
Increment variable value by 1 (shell programming)
I can't seem to be able to increase the variable value by 1. I have looked at tutorialspoint's Unix / Linux Shell Programming tutorial but it only shows how to add together two variables. I have …
bash - Shell equality operators (=, ==, -eq) - Stack Overflow
What is the difference between =, == and -eq in shell scripting? Is there any difference between the following?
How to represent multiple conditions in a shell if statement?
Sep 30, 2010 · Indeed, if you read the 'portable shell' guidelines for the autoconf tool or related packages, this notation — using '||' and '&&' — is what they recommend. I suppose you could …
shell - Difference between sh and Bash - Stack Overflow
Shell - "Shell" is a program, which facilitates the interaction between the user and the operating system (kernel). There are many shell implementations available, like sh, Bash, C shell, Z …
What is the meaning of $? in a shell script? - linux
Feb 20, 2011 · This latter usage is faster, does not contaminate the shell's variable namespace with what amounts to temp variables, can often be a lot more readable for humans and …
What are the special dollar sign shell variables? - Stack Overflow
Sep 14, 2012 · $0 is the name of the shell or shell script. Most of the above can be found under Special Parameters in the Bash Reference Manual. Here are all the environment variables set …
shell - How can I compare numbers in Bash? - Stack Overflow
compare_nums() { # Function to compare two numbers (float or integers) by using AWK. # The function will not print anything, but it will return 0 (if the comparison is true) or 1 # (if the …